Common Spine Problems and How Physiotherapy Can Help
The spine is a very important part of the body. It helps us stand, walk, and sit. However, many people have spine problems that bring pain and trouble. These problems make daily life hard, like working, walking, or even resting. Physiotherapy treatment is a good way to control and lower spine pain. Moreover, It helps to move better, make the spine strong, and stop more problems in the future. Types
Lower Back Pain When Walking: Why Does This Happen?
Millions of people globally experience problems walking and experiencing low back pain. That dull twinge might be uncomfortable, but it is the sharp twinge that can make the simplest of tasks a struggle and affect your life. Knowing the reasons, signs, and how to solve this problem is the first step towards getting help. In this article, you will learn why low back pain occurs in walking, possible causes, and ways
Tackling Tailbone Pain: A Guide to Easing Coccydynia
Persistent tailbone pain, or coccydynia, can be both uncomfortable and disruptive. This condition, which affects the small triangular bone at the base of your spine, also known as the coccyx, can lead to sleep disturbances and a reduced quality of life. In this article, we'll delve into the causes of coccydynia, its impact on sleep, and discuss how to relieve and manage tailbone pain. Understanding the Causes of Chronic Tailbone Pain There
Schroth Method Exercises for Scoliosis
What is Scoliosis? Characterised by a side-ways curvature in the shape of an ‘S’ or ‘C’, scoliosis can affect people of all ages. The most common form is idiopathic scoliosis, meaning the cause is unknown. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) affects children between the ages of 10 and 18, with the onset often occurring around the time of puberty. There is a much higher prevalence in females compared to males (more than
Spinal Compression Fracture Treatment – Is surgery needed?
Spinal Compression Fractures are common and the incidence increases with age. They can happen with a fall, or age and gender related conditions such as osteoporosis. Often under-diagnosed and under-treated, Spinal Compression Fracture can benefit from conservative Physiotherapy treatment. Read on to find out more about Spinal Compression Fractures, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Physiotherapy Management and Exercises that can be done to ease pain and stiffness. Understanding Spinal Compression Fracture (Wedge fracture) Spinal Compression Fracture occurs because of compression
Debunking Myths of Lower Back Pain
Approximately 80% of adults have experienced low back pain/ dysfunction at certain points of their lives, and among those individuals, there are likely about 80% of them that will experience recurring back pain. We have seen many patients come in with all sorts of theories from their sources found online that imposed fears and worries before even receiving proper diagnosis or treatment! And we can tell you from experience that
Working from home is taking its toll on our bodies: How to deal with backaches and sprains
There’s been an increase in WFH injuries since the “circuit breaker” period. Health experts weigh in on how the right chairs and laptop positions can minimize strain in the neck, shoulders, back, and wrists.
Sleep deprivation is inevitable, but how does it affect our body and healing?
We all know that sleep is absolutely crucial for recovery. It is the one time during the day when our body finally gets some rest and this is the time that our system slows down and goes into a repair mode. However, in today’s context, sleep deprivation is inevitable due to the proliferation of technology and modern lifestyles. Many are working longer hours and staying up later than ever. Research