Frozen Shoulder Physiotherapy in Singapore
Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a common condition whereby the shoulder joint stiffens, thereby reducing its mobility. This condition can be quite debilitating and painful. The aetiology for primary frozen shoulder remains unknown, but it is frequently associated with diabetes, following immobilising conditions like a stroke or Parkinson’s disease, or thyroid problems. Thankfully, with the help of our physiotherapists in Singapore, this condition can be alleviated in as little as 6 months.

What Is A Frozen Shoulder?
A frozen shoulder typically experiences 3 stages, with each stage lasting a number of months. The stages include:
Stage 1: Freezing
This stage is characterised by pain rather than stiffness. Small movements of the shoulder are painful and there will be a gradual loss in your range of motion as the pain increases. This can last anywhere from 6 weeks to 9 months.
Stage 2: Frozen
One will experience more stiffness than pain. Use of the shoulder becomes increasingly difficult as the joint stiffens. Pain may be more tolerable in this stage. Daily activities become increasingly difficult. This phase can last for 4 to 6 months.
Stage 3: Thawing
The patient begins to experience a gradual return of range of motion to the shoulder. However, full return of mobility and function may take 6 months to 2 years.
Facts and Myths – Can Physiotherapy Heal a Frozen Shoulder?
Certain groups of people are more prone to experiencing a frozen shoulder.
TRUE: According to a study, people aged between 40 and 60 are more prone to suffering from a frozen shoulder. Women and diabetic patients are also more susceptible as compared to the rest of the population.
Physiotherapy can help relieve pain and regain movement.
TRUE: Physiotherapists can prescribe exercises to restore mobility by gently stretching the shoulder. Applying heat to the shoulder can make these exercises more comfortable, as heat can help relax the surrounding shoulder muscles.
Steroids injection can effectively cure a frozen shoulder.
FALSE: Steroids injection can only occlude the symptoms. An injection might provide some relief from frozen shoulder symptoms for several weeks up to a few months. but it will not treat the problem completely. Physiotherapy is ultimately the best way to conclusively treat this condition.
Pain caused by a frozen shoulder takes more than 1-2 years to completely go away.
FALSE: With physiotherapy, the recovery time for a frozen shoulder can be decreased from 2 years to as little as 6 months. With the help of a knowledgeable physiotherapist, this painful and debilitating condition can be permanently treated.
Speak to our team of therapists for appropriate treatment today!